Hiring Contractors For Home Improvements

Hiring Contractors For Home Improvements

Speak To These 2 Specialised Contractors Before You Begin To Plan A Dream Home For Your Steep Bush Block

Tim Graham

Buying a rural property to build a dream home on is a popular choice for many Australians. The lure of a peaceful, quiet and relaxed lifestyle away from the stress and mayhem of city life is a big part of the appeal. Building a home in a rural area can present some difficulties that don't pose problems with urban construction. This may include extra expenses for delivery of materials, a shortage of labour in the area and a longer build time due to waiting times for contractors.

If you are planning to build on a rural block of land that is steep and heavily wooded, then you'll be facing more difficulties due to the terrain and lack of cleared space for a home site. However, don't let these issues deter you. The pay off for a more difficult building process will be a stunning and unique home in a beautiful setting, often with magnificent vistas.

To help you plan, prepare and begin building your dream home on a steep, wooded block, you'll need to enlist the services of two specialised contractors to ensure the project runs smoothly.

1. A site surveyor

The first task that you should complete when planning your new home is a comprehensive site survey. A professional surveyor will carry this out using a combination of research, technology and old-fashioned field work. The site survey they will provide you with is like a detailed topographical and information map of your block of land.

Your site survey will identify the geological features of the land, the gradient of the block and the location of any service conduits on the land. This will give you invaluable information on the best position to build to maximise views and make the most of the position of the sun. You'll also be provided with the true boundaries of your property, which can be a bit nebulous on rural bush blocks.

2. A site clearer

Once you've ascertained the best location for your future home site, you'll need to prepare the site for construction. On a bush block, this will generally involve the removal of a significant number of trees, shrubs and ground cover plants. You may also need the site to be leveled off or tiered and then compacted to provide a stable and usable foundation for your home.

This type of work should only be undertaken by a qualified and experienced land clearing contractor. There are many safety issues that make it a dangerous task to attempt yourself and a professional contractor will be able to do the job with minimal impact on any surrounding bushland. You may also need them to create an access road to your home site if one doesn't already exist.


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Hiring Contractors For Home Improvements

Hello! My name is Richard and this is my new blog. On this blog, I hope to pass on some useful information about how to work with contractors. I recently decided that I wanted to give my property a complete overhaul. I wanted to have a new roof installed, the interior remodelled and the driveway repaired. I asked around and I put together a great team of contractors who could all work together to get the job done. However, that isn't to say there wasn't the occasion challenge during such a big project. I learnt a lot from the experience and I am really pleased with the work that the contractors carried out.
